Made Easy
Samuel and Saul Page Three
The next Bible scene shows us David confronting Goliath.
The Bible says, “41 Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. 42 He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. 43 He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!” 45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (1 Samuel 17:41-47 New International Version).
As you can see, the intimidating words of Goliath did not stop David because David’s faith overpowered the giant’s words.
Remember, don’t fear people (Matthew 10:28).
Fear God more and this fear of God will motivate us to trust and obey God instead of doing things we will reject due to fear!
The Bible also gives us the story of David’s victory over Goliath.
It reads, “48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. 49 Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. 50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him. 51 David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. 52 Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron. 53 When the Israelites returned from chasing the Philistines, they plundered their camp” (1 Samuel 17:48-53 New International Version).
As you can see, God gave David the victory with a sling shot and a stone.
This is why he did not take Saul’s armor and sword.
He wanted everyone to see that it was the miracle of God’s power that gave the victory.
Remember, the Bible says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 New International Version).
Remember, the whole goal of our work for God is to bring praise to Him and not ourselves.
Stay humble, because it is all about God and not about us.
In 1 Samuel 18, we see the military success of David and the jealousy of Saul (1 Samuel 18:1-30).
The Bible says, “5 Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops, and Saul’s officers as well. 6 When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres. 7 As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” 8 Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?” 9 And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David” (1 Samuel 18:5-9 New International Version).
Unfortunately, Saul’s jealousy caused him to try and kill David with a spear, but he avoided the spear twice.
David was commendable, because he still served Saul faithfully despite the mistreatment.
He did not try to take over Saul’s throne, but let God handle that portion of his life.
We can learn a lot about this incident with Saul and David.
First, we must be humble enough to wait our turn for leadership.
David’s day to lead would come shortly, but he did not force the issue.
Today, we must respect authority and wait for God to give us the authority to lead instead of undermining others to gain that authority.
Second, we learn that when you are on the same team there is no need for jealousy.
Both Saul and David were blessed and fighting for the same team called the children of Israel.
Since we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, we need to be happy to see others blessed (James 2:8).
There is no need for jealousy!
Jealousy is a sin (Galatians 5:21).
Besides, God gives us everything that we need (Matthew 6:33).
Saul needed military success; God gave it to him!
David needed military success; God gave it to him!
Since both were successful, God was glorified and that is the main goal.
Remember, everything we do is designed to get people to praise God and not ourselves (Matthew 5:16).
Thus, do not expect applause from others when you do good (Matthew 6:1-8).
God will praise you on the judgment day (Matthew 25:14-30).
Just do good and count your own blessings.
When you do, you will not have time to count anyone else’s’ blessings, because you will realize that your own are too numerous to count!
Unfortunately, the jealousy of Saul moved him to try to kill David again (1 Samuel 19:1-7).
He commanded his son, Jonathan, to kill David (1 Samuel 19:1-5).
However, Jonathan successfully pleaded the case for David.
He stood up for his friend and Saul promised not to kill him.
Unfortunately, Saul did not keep his word (1 Samuel 19:8-24).
He again tried to kill David with a spear, but he got away.
After being pursued by Saul’s men, he successfully escaped from Saul’s palace with the help of his wife who was Saul’s daughter, Michal.
He fled to Samuel’s camp and was safe there.
What do we learn from Jonathan and Michal?
We learn that we are our brother’s keeper.
As Christians we are supposed to look out for each other.
We should warn each other about physical and spiritual danger (Galatians 6:1).
This is again loving each other like we love ourselves (Matthew 7:21).
We also must stand up for each other like Jonathan did for David (Acts 9:19-30).
Never let others badmouth or hurt your brother or sister in Christ.
We are the family of God and families take care of each other.
Be mindful of that at all times!
After fleeing from Saul, David and Jonathan met secretly (1 Samuel 20:1-42).
This time Saul did not reveal the plan to kill David to Jonathan.
Thus, Jonathan did not believe the plot to kill David was real, because Saul usually revealed plans like these to him.
Nonetheless and as a good friend, Jonathan vowed to help David (1 Samuel 20:1-11).
Jonathan and David developed a plan to see if Saul was really serious about killing David.
The Bible says, “18 Then Jonathan said to David, “Tomorrow is the New Moon feast. You will be missed, because your seat will be empty. 19 The day after tomorrow, toward evening, go to the place where you hid when this trouble began, and wait by the stone Ezel. 20 I will shoot three arrows to the side of it, as though I were shooting at a target. 21 Then I will send a boy and say, ‘Go, find the arrows.’ If I say to him, ‘Look, the arrows are on this side of you; bring them here,’ then come, because, as surely as the Lord lives, you are safe; there is no danger. 22 But if I say to the boy, ‘Look, the arrows are beyond you,’ then you must go, because the Lord has sent you away. 23 And about the matter you and I discussed—remember, the Lord is witness between you and me forever” (1 Samuel 20:18-23 New International Version).
David’s end of the bargain was to always show kindness to Jonathan and Saul’s household after God raised him to the status of king in the land (1 Samuel 20:12-16).
When David was absent from the New Moon Feast, Saul’s fierce anger was shown.
He scolded Jonathan for making excuses for David’s absence.
The Bible says, “30 Saul’s anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him, “You son of a perverse and rebellious woman! Don’t I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of the mother who bore you? 31 As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send someone to bring him to me, for he must die!” 32 “Why should he be put to death? What has he done?” Jonathan asked his father. 33 But Saul hurled his spear at him to kill him. Then Jonathan knew that his father intended to kill David. 34 Jonathan got up from the table in fierce anger; on that second day of the feast he did not eat, because he was grieved at his father’s shameful treatment of David” (1 Samuel 20:30-34 New International Version).
As you can see, Saul was so ruthless that he even tried to kill his own son, but by the grace of God, Jonathan lived!
Jonathan proved to be a man of his word by helping David escape again (1 Samuel 20:35-42).
When Jonathan and the little boy was in the field, he shot the arrow behind the boy.
This was the sign to David that Saul was attempting to kill him.
After emotionally telling each other goodbye, they parted ways.
In 1 Samuel 22, we see the cruelty of Saul (1 Samuel 22:1-23).
He found out that a priest named “Ahimelek” helped David while he was in hiding.
This included giving David food and the sword of Goliath.
The Bible says, “14 Ahimelek answered the king, “Who of all your servants is as loyal as David, the king’s son-in-law, captain of your bodyguard and highly respected in your household? 15 Was that day the first time I inquired of God for him? Of course not! Let not the king accuse your servant or any of his father’s family, for your servant knows nothing at all about this whole affair.” 16 But the king said, “You will surely die, Ahimelek, you and your whole family.” 17 Then the king ordered the guards at his side: “Turn and kill the priests of the Lord, because they too have sided with David. They knew he was fleeing, yet they did not tell me.” But the king’s officials were unwilling to raise a hand to strike the priests of the Lord. 18 The king then ordered Doeg, “You turn and strike down the priests.” So Doeg the Edomite turned and struck them down. That day he killed eighty-five men who wore the linen ephod. 19 He also put to the sword Nob, the town of the priests, with its men and women, its children and infants, and its cattle, donkeys and sheep” (1 Samuel 22:14-19 New International Version).
As you can see, Saul killed Ahimelek and the other priests of the Lord in the town of Nob.
Not only did he kill the priests, but he also killed all the people in the town of Nob; not sparing even the children and animals!
The devil truly had control of his heart, because he wanted to keep power!
The Bible says that only one of Ahimelek’s sons escaped.
It says, “20 But one son of Ahimelek son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled to join David. 21 He told David that Saul had killed the priests of the Lord. 22 Then David said to Abiathar, “That day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, I knew he would be sure to tell Saul. I am responsible for the death of your whole family. 23 Stay with me; don’t be afraid. The man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me too. You will be safe with me” (1 Samuel 22:20-23 New International Version).
So, David showed mercy to Ahitub, but wrongly blamed himself for the death of Ahitub’s family.
This is not true and we should not take things the wrong way as David did.
There are many things in life that we cannot prevent from happening.
Always keep this in mind when bad things come in your life.
Many things are out of your control as they were in David’s time.
There is another message we should take from 1 Samuel 22.
We should never let power go to our heads when we have it.
The devil uses the tool called the pride of life in order to make us conceited (1 John 2:16).
When we become conceited, we become cruel like Saul.
Remain humble; even when you have power in this life, because the Lord can give power and take it away at a moment’s notice.
You will see this point later in Saul’s story.
After many days of Saul unsuccessfully chasing David in the wilderness, we have come to 1 Samuel 24, which is a highlight of their story together.
The Bible says, “1 After Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, he was told, “David is in the Desert of En Gedi.” 2 So Saul took three thousand able young men from all Israel and set out to look for David and his men near the Crags of the Wild Goats. 3 He came to the sheep pens along the way; a cave was there, and Saul went in to relieve himself. David and his men were far back in the cave. 4 The men said, “This is the day the Lord spoke of when he said to you, ‘I will give your enemy into your hands for you to deal with as you wish.’” Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. 5 Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. 6 He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.” 7 With these words David sharply rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way” (1 Samuel 24:1-7 New International Version).
As you can see, David had every opportunity to kill Saul in revenge.
However, he is a good example to us.
As you know, we must let God take revenge and not us (Romans 12:19-21).
No matter how bad you are treated, do not take revenge.
If it is His Will, He will do it.
We are responsible to love our neighbor anyway and to pray for them (Matthew 5:44).
Also, just because you have power, does not mean you need to use it.
The stronger person is the one who can restrain himself/herself!
Always remember that!
The Bible goes on to say, “8 Then David went out of the cave and called out to Saul, “My lord the king!” When Saul looked behind him, David bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. 9 He said to Saul, “Why do you listen when men say, ‘David is bent on harming you’? 10 This day you have seen with your own eyes how the Lord delivered you into my hands in the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you; I said, ‘I will not lay my hand on my lord, because he is the Lord’s anointed.’ 11 See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. See that there is nothing in my hand to indicate that I am guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life. 12 May the Lord judge between you and me. And may the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you. 13 As the old saying goes, ‘From evildoers come evil deeds,’ so my hand will not touch you. 14 “Against whom has the king of Israel come out? Who are you pursuing? A dead dog? A flea? 15 May the Lord be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand.” 16 When David finished saying this, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” And he wept aloud. 17 “You are more righteous than I,” he said. “You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly. 18 You have just now told me about the good you did to me; the Lord delivered me into your hands, but you did not kill me. 19 When a man finds his enemy, does he let him get away unharmed? May the Lord reward you well for the way you treated me today. 20 I know that you will surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands. 21 Now swear to me by the Lord that you will not kill off my descendants or wipe out my name from my father’s family.” 22 So David gave his oath to Saul. Then Saul returned home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold” (1 Samuel 24:8-24 New International Version).
Did you notice the result of David loving his enemy?
Peace was the result.
Remember, by not taking revenge, we come to a status of peace with our enemies.
This is what God wants us to try to achieve at all times and in all situations.
He says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18 New International Version).
Also the peaceful dialogue between Saul and David is what God wants.
It is part of the peacemaking process.
So, when you have problems, don’t fight.
Talk instead!
God wants us to work out our differences in a civilized manner as David did (Matthew 5:23-34; 18:15-17)!
The last thing we learn from this chapter concerning David and Saul is to not listen to everything people say.
Saul had been fed false information from others regarding David wanting to kill him.
This is the same today.’
People will lie to you about what “he said” or “she said.”
Don’t automatically believe gossip.
Gossip will ruin your life if you listen it.
Instead, get to know people for yourself and do not listen to other’s people’s opinions on someone else.
Form your own conclusion on what you have learned personally by getting to know the other person for yourself!
In 1 Samuel 25, the Bible speaks of the death of Samuel.
It says, “Now Samuel died, and all Israel assembled and mourned for him; and they buried him at his home in Ramah. Then David moved down into the Desert of Paran” (1 Samuel 25:1 New International Version).
Samuel’s life had obviously made an impact on others causing the mourning of so many over his death.
We certainly do not want to cause any one grief when we die.
However, we still want to leave a legacy of righteousness and love where people will miss us.
Always try to live a life that makes a positive impact on others before you die.
Living a life of love for others is better than accumulating all the wealth in this world!
In 1 Samuel 26, we see David sparing Saul’s life again.
Saul was still chasing David even though he was acting as if he was at peace with David.
During the chase, David and one of his men, Abishai, found Saul asleep.
Abishai wanted to kill Saul, but David stopped him.
Instead, David took Saul’s spear and water jug.
Later, when it was discovered that the spear and water jug was missing, Saul knew that David had spared his life.
The Bible says, “17 Saul recognized David’s voice and said, “Is that your voice, David my son?” David replied, “Yes it is, my lord the king.” 18 And he added, “Why is my lord pursuing his servant? What have I done, and what wrong am I guilty of? 19 Now let my lord the king listen to his servant’s words. If the Lord has incited you against me, then may he accept an offering. If, however, people have done it, may they be cursed before the Lord! They have driven me today from my share in the Lord’s inheritance and have said, ‘Go, serve other gods.’ 20 Now do not let my blood fall to the ground far from the presence of the Lord. The king of Israel has come out to look for a flea—as one hunts a partridge in the mountains.” 21 Then Saul said, “I have sinned. Come back, David my son. Because you considered my life precious today, I will not try to harm you again. Surely I have acted like a fool and have been terribly wrong.” 22 “Here is the king’s spear,” David answered. “Let one of your young men come over and get it. 23 The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. The Lord delivered you into my hands today, but I would not lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed. 24 As surely as I valued your life today, so may the Lord value my life and deliver me from all trouble.” 25 Then Saul said to David, “May you be blessed, David my son; you will do great things and surely triumph.” So David went on his way, and Saul returned home” (1 Samuel 26:17-25 New International Version).
What do we learn from this story?
We learn that sometimes we must forgiven people multiple times for the things they do to us.
Saul again was trying to kill David, but David refused to kill him.
This shows us that we can forgive people for anything they do and over and over again!
Jesus made this clear when He was speaking to Peter.
He said, “21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:21-22 King James Version).
This equals 490 times.
This 490 times is not a literal number.
It is symbolic of showing us that our forgiveness should be without limit.
This is a part of loving our enemies (Mathew 5:44).
We cannot love them if we not willing to continually forgive them.
If David could forgive Saul multiple times, then we can forgive our enemies multiple times.
Let’s do it and make God proud of us!
In 1 Samuel 27 and 28, we see David fleeing to the Philistines’ land, because he did not trust Saul.
David lived peaceably with the Philistines with his 600 soldiers for one year and 4 months.
Moving forward, the Bible says that Samuel died and was buried in the town of Ramah 1 Samuel 28:3).
One good thing about Samuel’s kingship is that he kicked the spiritualists and mediums out of Israel (1 Samuel 28:4).
He had obviously put many, if not all, of them to death (1 Samuel 28:9).
This would be the same as the fortune tellers and so called “psychics” we have today.
We should never visit these people as they are doing the work of the devil.
What you need to know, you get from studying the Bible and praying to God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:5-8).
God is very displeased when we go to these psychics and fortunate tellers, because it is really the devil speaking through them (Acts 16:16-24).
However, Saul was a hypocrite.
He sought the knowledge of a witch located in the town of Endor to find out about his upcoming battle with the Philistines.
He sought her advice, because God would no longer answer him.
Remember, God only hears our prayers when we are not living in rebellion against Him.
He says, “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:12).
Thus, we need to stay in good standing with God through continued obedience so He hears our prayers.
Like Saul, you never know when you will need Him and if He is not listening to us anymore, then we are in trouble.
So, we are at a great advantage when we obey God, because He listen to our prayers and grants any request we have when we are obedient to His Will for our lives (1 Peter 3:12; 1 John 5:14-15).
Getting back to Saul and the Witch of Endor, Endor was a town in Israel.
Thus, this witch was one in hiding.
The woman was hesitant about helping Saul even though he disguised himself as someone else.
Even though, she asked who Saul wanted to see.
He asked for Samuel; then the Witch knew it was Saul.
She was terrified at this point, because she thought she would be killed.
Saul assured her that he would not harm her.
Samuel or a likeness of Samuel appeared.
Many argue today as to whether or not this was the true Samuel.
Well, we will not get into the argument, but the message from the appearance of the person brought up in the ceremony was recorded in 1 Samuel 28:13-19, which reads, “13 The king said to her, “Don’t be afraid. What do you see?” The woman said, “I see a ghostly figure coming up out of the earth.” 14 “What does he look like?” he asked. “An old man wearing a robe is coming up,” she said. Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. 15 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” “I am in great distress,” Saul said. “The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has departed from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do.” 16 Samuel said, “Why do you consult me, now that the Lord has departed from you and become your enemy? 17 The Lord has done what he predicted through me. The Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors—to David. 18 Because you did not obey the Lord or carry out his fierce wrath against the Amalekites, the Lord has done this to you today. 19 The Lord will deliver both Israel and you into the hands of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The Lord will also give the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines” (New International Version).
The Words from Samuel were fulfilled later in Bible history.
Saul and his sons would surely die in the near future.
In 1 Samuel 29, we see David parting paths with the Philistines.
Achish, king of the Philistines, trusted David and found no fault in him.
However, Achish’s officers did not trust David.
They believed that since David was from the children of Israel, he would eventually betray the Philistines and fight again with the children of Israel.
Achish asked David and his soldiers to leave the Philistine camp.
Achish did at least tell David that he did not have any problems with him.
Instead, Achish revealed to him that it was his officials’ distrust that was causing him to leave the Philistines.
David left in peace despite being an innocent man.
In 1 Samuel 31, we see the demise of Saul.
In this chapter, the children of Israel were still at war with the Philistines and they had been badly defeated in battle (1 Samuel 31:1).
The Philistines were chasing Saul and his men.
Sadly they killed three of Saul’s sons.
This included the lovable Jonathan; friend of David.
They even shot Saul with an arrow and he was badly wounded (1 Samuel 31:1-3).
At this point in his life, Saul wanted to die.
He did not want the Philistines to find him, treat him with abuse, and then kill him.
Most likely, he was thinking the Philistines would torture him first and then finally, take him out of his misery.
Saul was probably right about the abuse the Philistines would have put him through.
Many centuries later, Jeremiah 25 tells us the Babylonians blinded King Zedekiah and killed his sons in front of him before he was blinded.
In other words, the cruelty of the Babylonians made the last thing this king saw was the murder of his own sons!
That was cruelty indeed.
Thus, ancient armies were cruel and this Philistine army was no exception.
Since Saul did not want to go through the abuse of getting captured and killed by the Philistines, he wanted his armor bearer to kill him on the spot (1 Samuel 31:4).
The sadness of the story gets worse.
The Bible says that the armor bearer would not kill Saul.
So, Saul took the sword and killed himself.
Furthermore, the Bible says the Philistines wiped out all of Saul’s soldiers.
Thus, this was the sad end of this first king of Israel (1 Samuel 31:4-6).
As God had forewarned Saul through Samuel, Saul’s life was taken from him due to disobedience to God’s Word (1 Samuel 28).
The Bible does talk about the brutality of the Philistines toward the dead body of Saul (1 Samuel 31:7-10).
They took the body and cut off the head.
They then nailed the headless body to a wall to publicly display their victory.
The Lord only knows what torture they would have put Saul through if they would have caught him alive.
If they would have done these terrible things to a dead body, only the Lord knows what horrors they would have done to a live one!
Fortunately, the children of Israel took the body of Saul and his sons down from the wall.
They burned the bodies and gave the bones a proper, respectful burial (1 Samuel 31:11-13).
Before concluding this chapter of our story, we must always remember that the Bible is honest, but the actions of all its characters should not be imitated.
As you can see, Saul committed suicide, but God has never said we can commit suicide.
This was a flaw in Saul’s character.
We must realize that suicide is not the answer to life’s problems.
As a Christian, you must realize that it is normal to have good and bad times in life (Galatians 5:22-23; Hebrews 11:6; Acts 14:22; Psalm 34:19).
The bad days cannot be avoided.
However, we must understand that bad days are only a season the devil creates in our lives (Revelation 2:10).
Fortunately, God is always more powerful than the devil and will change your bad days to happy days in this life and/or the life to come (Revelation 21:4).
So do not give up so quickly.
God will never leave you!
Hard times are not a sign that God has left you like He did Saul due to Saul’s disobedience (Matthew 28:18-20; Hebrews 13:5).
Bad things do happen to good people, but God eventually delivers these good people!
Hang on.
You will see a difference if you allow God to work with you and your circumstances until your change comes like He did for Job (Job 14:14; 42:11-17).
In summary, we have been blessed to study the story of two men whose lives were intertwined. Samuel was a man used mightily by God to preach His Word to the children of Israel while Saul was a successful king militarily. However, his disobedience cost him the favor of God, his kingdom, and ultimately, his life. Please learn that obedience to God is absolutely necessary to please Him. Never underestimate this aspect of your Christian life. Faith is important, but obedience is just as important as faith!
Fredericks, D. (1991). Arms and armor. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from http://classic.studylight.org/dic/hbd/view.cgi?number=T461.
The Gospel of Christ. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2013 from http://www.thegospelofchrist.com/transcripts/nt/james/pages/nt_james_01.html.