Made Easy
Author Biography

Anthony L. Norwood obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ at an early age. Dr. James E. Thompson, then the Minister at the North Broadway Church of Christ, in Mount Clemens, baptized him in 1986.
During his youth, teen, and early adult years, Anthony was active in many ministries at the North Broadway Church of Christ. Some of these included being the ministry chairperson of the congregation’s website, member of the Unmarried Ministry, Marriage Enrichment Ministry, Youth Group, Junior Achievers, and tenor singer with the North Broadway Church of Christ Music Ministry.
In his college years, he attended the North Westnedge church of Christ in Kalamazoo, MI. Jim Miller was the minister there at the time. After graduating from college, he worshiped with the Schrader Lane and Jackson Street congregations in Nashville, TN.
He then became the assistant minister at the Metro Central church of Christ in Detroit, MI, for approximately 3.5 years. As an assistant minister to Ronald Cross, minister at the Metro Central congregation, God blessed the membership and/or Sunday worship attendance numbers to grow considerably and most of all, many souls were brought unto Christ! While at this congregation, Anthony established the New Converts’ Class and trained men to become Bible study teachers. He also established the Media Ministry and participated in much of the strategic planning efforts of the congregation.
After preaching at the Metro Central church of Christ, Anthony was also the minister at the Moore Avenue church of Christ in Anniston, AL. for about 3.5 years. He worked side-by-side with the members there in a labor of love reaching souls for Christ and active in community works.
Anthony is currently the minister at the Henry Street church of Christ in Gadsden, Alabama, USA He and is wife are laboring with the men and women of the congregation to uplift the name of Jesus Christ in the community and edify the church as well through sound preaching and teaching of the Word of God!
Academically, he has been blessed with a Bachelors and Honorary Doctorate Degree in Christian Education from Midwestern Christian Institute (MWCI) in Mount Clemens, MI. Dr. James E. Thompson was the fine director of this stellar Christian institution. He has also been blessed to be awarded with a Bachelors Degree in General Business from Western Michigan University. Furthermore, he was blessed to receive the Masters of Science in Administration Degree (General Business Concentration) from Central Michigan University. Lastly, he was also blessed to graduate from the University of Phoenix with a Bachelors of Science in Software Engineering Degree.
Personally, Anthony is the author of a free Bible study website called BibleUnderstandingMadeEasy.com. He has also authored several books. He is the author of the Bible Understanding Made Easy series of books. He has also authored the Get to Know Jesus for Yourself and Spiritual Rehab for the Wounded Christian books.
Anthony’s goal in the ministry is to first please God in all aspects of life and the work of the church. He believes that a minister must be a Christian first and live as an example to the flock. In conjunction with this goal, he further strives to love God and his neighbor as himself.